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FastLane Team Check-In Instructions for Managers


Make sure you have ALL of the paperwork listed in the Team Check-in Information & Requirements– including the 2025 Manager Check-in Cover Sheet.

  1. To avoid “Large Files” uploading issues please break up the Medical Waivers into 2-3 Files, the first file must have the Cover Sheet first.
    • There are EXTRA DOCUMENT UPLOADs for each team, please label your extra documents based on the number it is in the document.
  2. Please order the Medical Waivers and Date of Birth information Alphabetically.
  3. We can ONLY accept PDF files in the uploads.
  4. Upload the PDF Documents requested using the GotSoccer Upload Instructions.

 Note:  We will be unable to respond to new FastLane GotSoccer Uploads after the cut-off date as our volunteer staff needs enough time to process teams before the tournament. If you have Team Check-in Questions you may email us at: 

  1. When your submission has been reviewed and any issues resolved, we will email you a confirmation. Print the email and bring it with you to the tournament to have with the team for all games.
  2. If you have roster additions after receiving a fast lane pass you MUST submit the paperwork for the new player either through fast lane upload before the cut-off with an email to notifying us of the addition, or at in-person check-in.

As part of the FastLane Check-in Cover Sheet, you MUST sign the following statement:

 “I understand that as the designated team representative I am responsible for submitting any changes (including additions of players) to the aforementioned roster which is being submitted for a Fast Lane Pass.  I hereby agree that any changes to the submitted roster must be approved by a designated Needham Soccer Club Team Check-in representative prior to the commencement of the team’s first game.  Failure to adhere to these conditions will result in the forfeiture of any and all affected games.”

  1. You must have your originals of the medical releases and proof of age with your team at ALL GAMES.  We will be randomly checking a number of teams before games to ensure that all players on the field are rostered for the tournament, you must have medical releases on hand, and your age requirements are met.

FastLane Troubleshooting:

If you have no personalized response to a FastLane check-in application after 5 days-  first check for the following two issues:

  1. Check your email inbox first to make sure your original did not bounce back to you
  2. Check your spam/junk mail filter in case the response is there.

**If neither of these seems to be the problem, please send an inquiry to