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Club Voucher Code Instructions

When registering your team and when you get to Fee Selection

Select the age/gender and portion of the NMDT you want to play in.

Next Step under Features 

Apply the Voucher Code for your specific club received from the tournament, Click Apply and then Continue

Now confirm the Voucher has been applied for your team 

Just click Continue, no need to click anything else.

In the Checkout Cart

You will see two items, one is your team and fee and the other is the Voucher.  Click Checkout and your voucher will deduct the fee. 

Last Step, Register your Team

Your Balance is now zero dollars, your club will make your payment for you.  DON’T FORGET TO CLICK REGISTER!

You will be taken to a team page showing you have registered for the NMDT and the person designated on your team account to receive emails will receive a confirmation email from GotSport.